A Journey of Rediscovery: From Blog to Story Letter

I'm reclaiming myself. Eight years ago, I embarked on a journey with a little blog called A Donkumentary. It began as a way to connect with loved ones but evolved into something more—a collection of stories, a chronicle of life's small wonders, and a plea to slow down and connect with ourselves. As I reflect... Continue Reading →

A Garden Trying

It's mid-afternoon. I'm standing just inside my backdoor, still holding onto the handle, wondering if I should call it a day on yard-work or if I have it in me to go out and work some more. In southeast Texas where I live, we've had a record-breaking summer in which the temperatures have soared far... Continue Reading →


It’s mid-afternoon on another day in which the Texas weather can’t make up its mind about what to do. This morning, the air was thick and hung heavy over the ground, flies and grasshoppers rattling in the fallen leaves. The sun peeked through a web of thick clouds and it was bath-water warm. But now,... Continue Reading →


Grief, anger, sadness, anxiety, and guilt. I suspect many of us are feeling [some combination of] these [or similar] feelings [again], but the last one is something I wanted to take a moment to highlight: guilt. Right now, I feel guilty for taking care of myself and my feelings when tragedies like Uvalde happened just... Continue Reading →

Time Warp

A handful of times in April, WordPress notified me that this blog--"The Value of Donkey and Self" had been viewed by what looks to be several different people (although 1: I'm not tech savvy enough or have the attention span to understand the analytics provided to me in my WordPress account's dashboard and 2: I... Continue Reading →

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