
Spinning Compass

It's just before 5am; I know this because I've been laying awake for hours wishing that sleep would take me, but she hasn't. Somewhere in the distance, a dog barks which stirs the nerves of our new pup. A fussing rustling comes from the large dog crate at the end of the bed and awake... Continue Reading →

Brakes 3 (I suppose)

A few days ago, I spun into a full blown panic attack. During the attack, I was drenched from rain and splotted with mud and blood, having not been able to make it to a hose, let alone a shower before I broke. I knew that the blood on my feet was mine, but the... Continue Reading →

“We’re All In This Thing Together”

It's 11:30PM and I'm driving along I-45 north, coming out of Houston, Texas proper. It's been a long time since I've made a trip down to where I grew up, to the Heights specifically where I lived for a beat in my mid-twenties. I lived in a garage that had been turned into an upstairs... Continue Reading →


Grief, anger, sadness, anxiety, and guilt. I suspect many of us are feeling [some combination of] these [or similar] feelings [again], but the last one is something I wanted to take a moment to highlight: guilt. Right now, I feel guilty for taking care of myself and my feelings when tragedies like Uvalde happened just... Continue Reading →

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Tee the mini donkey

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