A Journey of Rediscovery: From Blog to Story Letter

I'm reclaiming myself. Eight years ago, I embarked on a journey with a little blog called A Donkumentary. It began as a way to connect with loved ones but evolved into something more—a collection of stories, a chronicle of life's small wonders, and a plea to slow down and connect with ourselves. As I reflect... Continue Reading →

A Garden Trying

It's mid-afternoon. I'm standing just inside my backdoor, still holding onto the handle, wondering if I should call it a day on yard-work or if I have it in me to go out and work some more. In southeast Texas where I live, we've had a record-breaking summer in which the temperatures have soared far... Continue Reading →

Sunflower’s Story 4

It's a beautiful thing, seeing four generations of the same sunflower that towered over you four years ago. Four years ago, before the pandemic changed our world, back when I had all of my organs, back when I used to travel several times a year and thought I had the path of my future all... Continue Reading →

It Really Does Run Quickly, Doesn’t It?

Something reminded me of a post I published back in 2015 (2015! Both the blink of an eye and an eternity at the same time) and as I read through the story, I found myself holding back tears. The emotions bubbled from a place of parenthood: remembering my child as being small enough to sway... Continue Reading →

Two Months

It's my favorite time of day; the time when the sky slowly shifts from black to gray as you watch it, but if you turn your gaze elsewhere for only a minute or two, suddenly blues have appeared when you look back. I'm sprawled on the couch in my living room with a cat in... Continue Reading →

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