A Garden Trying

It's mid-afternoon. I'm standing just inside my backdoor, still holding onto the handle, wondering if I should call it a day on yard-work or if I have it in me to go out and work some more. In southeast Texas where I live, we've had a record-breaking summer in which the temperatures have soared far... Continue Reading →

Sunflower’s Story 4

It's a beautiful thing, seeing four generations of the same sunflower that towered over you four years ago. Four years ago, before the pandemic changed our world, back when I had all of my organs, back when I used to travel several times a year and thought I had the path of my future all... Continue Reading →

Two Months

It's my favorite time of day; the time when the sky slowly shifts from black to gray as you watch it, but if you turn your gaze elsewhere for only a minute or two, suddenly blues have appeared when you look back. I'm sprawled on the couch in my living room with a cat in... Continue Reading →

In Orbit

It’s 3:30 in the afternoon on a clear, late-spring day in Texas which means that it’s painfully bright outside. That’s not to say I’m not grateful for the sunshine, but it’s times like this I wish I’d just go ahead and get myself some prescription sunglasses. In quarantine, I have yet to wear my contacts... Continue Reading →

Grow. Grief.

It’s dark out which by no means means it is late. No. We have entered that time of year where the sun falls at 4:30PM forcing the chickens, ducks, donkeys, dogs, and heck even myself into an earlier, Pavlovian need to eat and bunk down for the night hours before they (we) otherwise should. I’m... Continue Reading →

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